Gotta love that Marissa Mayer--if for no other reason than she will give Yahoo a fighting chance--and the fact that one of the first things she did was "kill" the deal that would have given Yahoo's ad tech business to Google (ouch--that had to hurt in Mountain View)--
Marissa Mayer Only Gave Google 30 Minutes Notice - Business Insider: "Besides the details of her hasty departure, consider Yahoo's new plans for its ad tech business. Earlier this summer, Google was set to buy the whole thing from Yahoo for a few hundred million dollars. Yahoo corporate development executives even pitched the deal to the board. One Yahoo executive told us that Google revenue boss Nikesh Arora made a pitch suggesting that Yahoo would be able to cut 2,000 jobs and grow its EBITDA 50% making the deal. The deal, which would have been a huge win for Google, looked like it was going ot happen. But then the Yahoo board hired Mayer instead of interim CEO Ross Levinsohn. And then, last week, the whole ad tech deal was scotched. Mayer – who has brought Google-y perks to Yahoo like free food and smartphones for all – may be actively trying to make the place she works for more like her old employer, but, it's becoming pretty clear: she no stooge for Google. She's no mole for Larry Page."
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